Prodim está exibindo em Dutch Technology Week 2016

Prodim: Dutch Technology Week 2016 – Hightech Campus

28-May-2016 - 28-May-2016

Come and experience the world of High Tech, Mechatronics, Automotive and Technology during the Dutch Technology Week 2016 (DTW) in Helmond. Get to know local companies and the technology that fuels their businesses. Innovation, interaction and inspiration come together at the campus and is interesting for young and old.


Prodim present at DTW 2016


Prodim is a company based in Helmond (The Netherland), which operates internationally. They sell their products to more than 100 countries. During the DTW on Saturday, May 28th, 2016 Prodim will give a glimpse into her kitchen by showcasing their products. One of the products on display will be the Prodim Plotter, a large textile printer to transfer a digital design to hard copies. In addition, they will demonstrate their 3D printer and the digital 2D / 3D measuring tool the Proliner. The visitors can take a closer look at the equipment and work with it themselves!


Location and hours


Grasbeemd 2
5705 DG Helmond, The Netherlands
Saturday May 28, 2016 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.


More information on the high-tech discovery route and all participating companies in Helmond


See you at the DTW 2016 in Helmond!


DTW 2015:
18-06-2015 Prodim participating at the DTW was a great success
19-06-2015 Video DTW 2015